Kindergarten-Grade 5 – 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Pre-K – 8:00 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Students may enter the building at 7:30 a.m. using the playground entrance.
Please enter the car loop on the playground. Teachers will be welcoming students out of their vehicles. Students will exit their vehicles and enter the school through the playground doors on the west side of the building. The car loop gate will be closed every morning at 7:55. After that, students may be dropped off at the front doors. Students arriving after 8:00 will need to be checked in at the office.
The red zone in front of the building is a fire zone. You may pull up and drop off your student(s) in the fire zone, but please do not park there. Parking in a fire zone may result in a ticket from the Bethany Police. When unloading students from cars, please be respectful of the busses.
Please help by doing your part to help keep our kids safe.
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:30 - 7:55 a.m. After eating breakfast or arriving and choosing not to eat breakfast, students will go to their classrooms.
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all students enrolled at Apollo.
Eagle Eye is our weekly assembly and takes place every Friday at 8:00 a.m. in the gym. This is a time where we celebrate children's accomplishments from the week and catch up on important announcements.
Car Riders will load at the car loop on the playground. The line should begin on Eastbound 19th Street. Enter the car loop from the North entrance. The line will branch into two lines as you make your way to the loading area. Follow the line until you reach the loading area in front of the playground doors. Continue on to the exit.
Please follow the following safety guidelines:
Students will be brought to your car by a teacher. Do not leave your car unattended to walk your child to your car.
Please do not drive around other cars to pick up your child.
Students will wait in their classrooms until they are called by the teachers on duty to be loaded into cars. Teachers will be checking to ensure that the appropriate person is picking up each child.
Students will not be loaded into a car if the person does not have the numbered car tag given to them at the beginning of the year.
Please help keep the line moving. If you must park to do school business during pick-up time, please do so in the designated parking spaces on the East side of the school.
Students who are car riders must be picked up from the car line. Please do not wait in the lobby or the parking lot to meet your student(s). If your child is a car rider, then they will be dismissed to the car rider loading area. This is a safety issue.
Do not park in the fire lanes in front of the building. Violators could be ticketed by Bethany Police.
Walkers will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m. and will exit the North entrance of the building. Students will use the crosswalk in the parking lot to walk to the intersection of 19th Street and Peniel Avenue.
For safety reasons, walkers may not be picked up in the parking lot. Please do not park on the sides of the roads near the Stop sign. Illegal parking could result in a ticket.
Daycare riders will load from the front doors. Teachers will load students into daycare vehicles.
Thursday Folders are teacher/parent communication folders that go home with students each Thursday. Your child’s folder will contain school work and other information from the school or teacher. Parents are welcome to use this folder to communicate with your child’s teacher.
Specials classes for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades include Art, Library, Music, Physical Education, and Social/Emotional Learning. Specials for 3rd-5th grades include Art, Library, Music, Physical Education, Social/Emotional Learning, and STEM. Students attend these classes daily on a rotating basis.